Foto muy reciente, Semana Santa de 2013. El paso de los romanos siempre gusta, sobre todo a los niños que les encanta.
Los cascos, las lanzas, los penachos, sus escudos,,, no pasan inadvertidos para los niños,,, y para los no tan niños.
Y aquí está el romano a su paso por el Coso de Huesca, y reflejado en su casco los edificios de la calle.
Hay 2 palabras que te abrirán muchas puertas:
"Tire y Empuje" (Les Luthiers).
Se nos ha llamado depresivos, cuando lo único que reflejábamos era apatía. (Robert Smith, The Cure).
The Cure, es una banda británica de rock alternativo formada en 1976 en Crawley, Reino Unido. Uno de los grupos imprescindibles del pop mundial.
Robert Smith fundó The Easy Cure en el instituto en 1976, y acabo abreviando el nombre a The Cure.
Disfruta de The Cure y de Just Like Heaven.
"Show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream" she said
"The one that makes me laugh" she said
And threw her arms around my neck
"Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I'll run away with you
I'll run away with you"
Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
"Why are you so far away?" she said
"Why won't you ever know that I'm in love with you
That I'm in love with you"
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream
Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes
And found myself alone alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven
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